On September 28th 2011 at 6:51pm an angel arrived to this earth weighing 6lbs 6oz and 20in. Her name is Addison Lorraine Whiseant, and she is perfect! My wife is dong great and so is the baby! Thank you Jesus for a healthy delivery and a healthy child and mother! God has been so good to me...I can't complain!
Timothy Whiseant
Saturday, October 8, 2011
She Is Here!
On September 28th 2011 at 6:51pm an angel arrived to this earth weighing 6lbs 6oz and 20in. Her name is Addison Lorraine Whiseant, and she is perfect! My wife is dong great and so is the baby! Thank you Jesus for a healthy delivery and a healthy child and mother! God has been so good to me...I can't complain!
Andrea Whiseant,
Friday, September 23, 2011
It's Been A Longtime
Well, after two years of not blogging, I'm going to try and pick it back up. I hope you'll find them worth your time to read and that they will be a blessing to you.
Since my last post a lot has happened. The biggest of which is, we're about to have a baby girl! She's just a couple of weeks away! This has been a very rough pregnancy for my wife, but I know the result will be worth it all! Our church, The Pentecostal's Of Vacaville, is doing great! We are growing in more ways than one; after my wife gives birth 2011 will have had 5 brand new babies born! We are having revival, soul's are being saved, prodigal's are coming home, addict's are being set free, the sick are being healed, broken marriage's restored, shattered lives are being mended, the gospel is being preached, the Apostle's Doctrine continues, God's Kingdom is advancing, and the Name of Jesus is being exalted! Also, we are reaching the world from Vacaville! Since my last post I have been back to the Philippines several times and we are helping build churches and a bible school. I also went to Haiti as a first responder to the massive quake they had in 2010. God allowed us to really help them, and if you want to see pictures and read more about that look on my FB page and you'll see that stuff and more!
Well, I hope to start putting up some articles soon. Thank you for stopping by! God bless!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
What A Mighty God We Serve!
Greeting to all in Jesus name! I am finally going to post a few of the events that happened on my past trip to the Philippines. First let me start of my saying a BIG thank you to my loving and supportive wife, the apple of my eye and the "better half". It is not easy to be gone for 10 to 14 day's on the other side of the world, with limited contact and mostly bad phone connections. That is just my part, but as for her she is here holding down the fort, maintaining life and doing what needs to be done to maintain a home and a church. Andrea, thank you and I love you! Also I need to say thank you to the wonderful church I am so privileged to pastor, The Pentecostals of Vacaville. Not only do they support me with fasting and prayer, but they also support a large part of the fiances so that I am able to go and expand God's Kingdom. I am constantly amazed at their generosity both in spirit and resources. There is no greater giving church, in my "unbiased" opinion( I'm sure you believe there is no prejudiced in that comment) than the church God has blessed us to be apart of! Not only do they give, but they allow me to be gone for that amount of time without a fuss or guilt trip. I thank God for a church who has a global vision, and understands that we must be about the Fathers business. And while I'm gone they have awesome church! I'm sure you've all heard that old expression "When the cats away the mice will play", referring to saints not showing up to church or not trying to have a move of God while the pastors away. Well, that is not true here thank the Lord. They have a relationship with Jesus, not just their pastor! I know I probably sound like I'm bragging and pouring over The Pentecostals of Vacaville, and if that's what your thinking....YOU ARE RIGHT! So, thank you home church I love you! I felt that I needed to give honor where it is due. So, let me say thanks to a great assistant pastor Bro. Kory Chase, who does a tremendous job of leading the church in my absence. And to all the other lay ministers in our local assembly thank you!
I arrived on a Tuesday morning in Manila, PI. Pastor Midoz Sorima(my twin brother, lol) picks me up at the airport and we drive two and a half hours to Dasmarinas, Cavite. I checked into the hotel got a little nap and off to service we went. Folks, I preached this same camp last year and knew how passionate and hungry for God they can be. But nothing prepared me for the intensity and power of anticipation that was in that place. I have no words to convey the atmosphere! Remember that was just the first night, and just the tip of the iceberg! It was intense!
Now, I'm not going to go night by night, there is way to much to try and tell. So, I'll just tell you the end results and let you go to youtube.com to catch a glimpse of what words cannot describe. There were many healings both notable and documented. Miracles that rage from healing to deliverance to(believe it or not) control of the elements! I'll get to that last one later. There were young people freed from demonic oppression and possession! Jesus was at work!
I will post part two of this later.
I am mainly on face book now you can follow there, or tweeter.
It really beats blogging, sorry ;-)
I arrived on a Tuesday morning in Manila, PI. Pastor Midoz Sorima(my twin brother, lol) picks me up at the airport and we drive two and a half hours to Dasmarinas, Cavite. I checked into the hotel got a little nap and off to service we went. Folks, I preached this same camp last year and knew how passionate and hungry for God they can be. But nothing prepared me for the intensity and power of anticipation that was in that place. I have no words to convey the atmosphere! Remember that was just the first night, and just the tip of the iceberg! It was intense!
Now, I'm not going to go night by night, there is way to much to try and tell. So, I'll just tell you the end results and let you go to youtube.com to catch a glimpse of what words cannot describe. There were many healings both notable and documented. Miracles that rage from healing to deliverance to(believe it or not) control of the elements! I'll get to that last one later. There were young people freed from demonic oppression and possession! Jesus was at work!
I will post part two of this later.
I am mainly on face book now you can follow there, or tweeter.
It really beats blogging, sorry ;-)
Holy Ghost,
The Pentecostals of Vacaville,
Timothy Whiseant
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Great Philippine Revival Report...Coming Soon!
As soon as I get some time I will post some pictures and write an series of reports on what happened on the Philippines almost two weeks ago. Until then go to YouTube.com and type my name (Timothy Whiseant) in the search box and there are a lot of videos for you to see. The youth in the Philippines are posting videos on literally Hundreds of websites.
Oh, one more thing...LEAVE FEEDBACK!LOL!
Oh, one more thing...LEAVE FEEDBACK!LOL!
Holy Ghost,
Rev Timothy Whiseant,
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The Fire Falls At The Pentecostals Of Vacaville!
"The Fire Still Falls!"
Sorry it has taken so long to finish this post, but you know the old saying "Better Late Than Never"! It was a tremendously powerful revival! We had services Sunday through Tuesday night. We advertised in the paper whit bold letters at the top that read
Because of that ad we had 18 1st time visitors in three services! Only two of the visitors came by another form of invitation. Let me stop right here and say that Bro. Hill did a superb job! He was totally lead of God in every service! He preached like a house of fire(which when doesn't he?LOL!), and our church fell in love with his ministry and his family. Namely a little princess named Cherish! I was willing to go on in revival, not just because the services was awesome, but that I wanted to spend more time with Cherish! If you read My wife's or Susan Hill's blog then you know that Cherish has her own "Palace" at Danda's and Uncle Tim's house! It was such a blessing to have the Hills here and cannot wait until they can come back! We would have loved too have them stay and preach the next week, and we tried every avenue possible but our schedules were to incompatible. We had at least two receive the Holy Ghost that we know of, there was healing and everything that goes with Apostolic revival and Apostolic ministry! It helped began a turning point in our church, thanks be to God!
To the Hill's we love you all and cherish our friendship, and thank you for all that you did. We anticipate your return!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Missions Conference In Santa Maria, CA
What a great time we had at Missions Conference in Santa Maria, CA. Bro. Markem and myself were the speakers for this meeting and we had a lot of fun. I had not known Bro. Markem before this conference. I had only heard about what a great man he is and the awesome things he has done on the mission field in Brazil, Spain and Portugal. Basically he built these from the ground up. What an amazing work he is doing for Jesus. Bro. Markem ministered the word to us on Friday night(he about preached everything God had given me for Saturday night), and I must say it was a timely word for us all. He preached on "Don't Be Afraid", I think everyone should listen to this message. I preached Saturday night, and then Bro. Markem preached on Sunday morning. And again he delivered a sure word about the "Qualities Of Gold", what a beautiful message! Then Sunday night I finished it up.
The purpose of Missions Conference is to get us focused on the "Great Commission" of reaching the world. Another goal of the meeting is to raise money to finance the propagation of the Gospel worldwide by sending missionaries, building churches, getting food to the poor, buying necessities for the churches both at home in America and overseas. I'm humbled to report to you that on Sunday night(just a little news flash- Santa Maria is one of the most giving est churches I've ever seen and God blesses them for it) the church in Santa Maria, CA Pastored by Elder Rick Keyes gave well over $125,000 for missions! Praise God! We also had a few people receive the Holy Ghost, and some backsliders were refilled!
My wife and I love to go to Santa Maria, it's like our other home. You won't find any better people than Bro. & Sis. Keyes, they are the BEST! We affectionately call them "Mom & Pop Keyes", and the reason for that is because for years now I've been very close to them, and after Andrea and I got married she felt the same way too. Bro. Keyes was was one of the two ministers(Bro. Price the second) who married us. Now, when we get to Santa Maria and walk in the door we let all cares pass away, let our hair down and just have a lot of fun! So, to be with Bro. Markem(who just fits right in the way we do) and the Keyes at the same time for one weekend under one roof, it was awesome!
Remember, give to missions both Home, and Foreign!
Foreign Missions,
Holy Ghost,
Home Missions,
Rick Keyes,
Santa Maria,
Timothy Whiseant,
Willam Markem
Revival With Pastor Steve Pixler
This past week (January 21st & 22nd) we were blessed to have Pastor Steve Pixler in revival services with us. It was tremendous(did you expect anything less?)! To set the back drop for this posting, I'll give a little history. I met Bro. Pixler about six years ago at a pastoral installation service in Texarkana, TX for Pastor Jason Calhoun. A few weeks later I was catching a Saturday night red eye flight from San Fransisco, CA to Dallas, TX to preach that Sunday morning for Bro. Pixler. Well, I got in at about 6 a.m. and went straight to the hotel got a nap and went to Sunday morning service. It was in his office there at his church in Fort Worth, TX that I really got to meet him more personally. There are many good things I could say about Bro. Pixler, but I'll first start off by saying this, he is one of the most sincere Christians that I've ever met. In the six or so years that I've had the privilege of being friends with him, I have never, ever heard him say an unkind word to, or about anyone no matter what the situation(and believe me there were times when he could have)!
But that morning I walked out of the office and into the sanctuary and the place was full of people worshipping God, and I mean almost everyone was. I'll never forget how that at least eighty to ninety percent of his church was praising God with everything they had! I'm still impressed! Cornerstone Apostolic Church in Fort Worth, TX had an impact on me, because not all churches are like this. I've evangelized for close to ten years and I can tell you, when you find a church like this (and when I did find a churches like this, I marked them in my mind, so that if ever God wanted me to pastor I would know where to look for an example of a revival church) you want the influence of their pastor to help take your church to the next level. So, service went on and when it was time for the preaching, I just thought I'd seen them worship, but as I began to preach they lit that place up with worship! Well, that service was so great(all glory to God!)then afterword Bro. Pixler asked if I could stay that night and preach again, so I did. And that service was awesome, so he asked "can you stay and preach tomorrow night", and I did. So, we had an impromptu revival(those are usually the best) for several nights straight with no breaks, God really moved in those services! One night half the church took off running and dancing through the side and back doors out onto the parking lot still dancing, again Jesus was mighty in that place! Several were healed and received the Holy Ghost in that revival, backsliders came back to God, it was beautiful.
So, a year ago when we took the church here in Vacaville, CA there was no doubt in my mind that at some point we were going to have Bro. Pixler. I wanted him to come and let his spirit and anointing rub off on our church. Besides having one of, if not the greatest mind in the Apostolic movement today, he is one of the best singers, song writers, and pianist. It was such a treat to get to hear him play and sing. I call him "The Frank Sinatra of Pentecost"( and I mean that respectfully), and if you have heard him then you know what I mean. Our church loved his singing so much they complained to me that he only sang three songs the first night. I thought that was great so the next night he did more. I will leave a link at the bottom of the page to his web site.
Let me tell you, he preached two of the most needed messages a church could ever hear! Bro. Pixler flowed in the spirit both nights and we left those services with a changed perception of revival, prayer, and our inheritance. There is no need for me to even try to convey what he preached, because I would not do it justice. I looked out over the church while he was preaching and people had their pens in hand ready to take notes, but as he delivered God's word they were to captivated to write many if any notes(including me). I thank God for what he did in those services, only time will tell the full effect. You cannot measure the move of God or the work of God by instant responses(and there was great response), because the full effect cannot be felt or even seen in jest a few services. And I feel a lot of times we try very hard to make the full effect known immediately, but it is impossible.
I'm very grateful to Bro. Pixler for coming and blessing us and we look forward to his return in April. In the month of February we have another great preacher and dear friend coming to preach a revival for us, Pastor Stephen Hill. We are looking for God to do great and mighty things then also.
In the mean time were still in revival. God's spirit is still flowing, visitors are at almost every service, and the church is praying!
For Pastor Steve Pixlers CD's or church go to:
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