Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What A Mighty God We Serve!

Greeting to all in Jesus name! I am finally going to post a few of the events that happened on my past trip to the Philippines. First let me start of my saying a BIG thank you to my loving and supportive wife, the apple of my eye and the "better half". It is not easy to be gone for 10 to 14 day's on the other side of the world, with limited contact and mostly bad phone connections. That is just my part, but as for her she is here holding down the fort, maintaining life and doing what needs to be done to maintain a home and a church. Andrea, thank you and I love you! Also I need to say thank you to the wonderful church I am so privileged to pastor, The Pentecostals of Vacaville. Not only do they support me with fasting and prayer, but they also support a large part of the fiances so that I am able to go and expand God's Kingdom. I am constantly amazed at their generosity both in spirit and resources. There is no greater giving church, in my "unbiased" opinion( I'm sure you believe there is no prejudiced in that comment) than the church God has blessed us to be apart of! Not only do they give, but they allow me to be gone for that amount of time without a fuss or guilt trip. I thank God for a church who has a global vision, and understands that we must be about the Fathers business. And while I'm gone they have awesome church! I'm sure you've all heard that old expression "When the cats away the mice will play", referring to saints not showing up to church or not trying to have a move of God while the pastors away. Well, that is not true here thank the Lord. They have a relationship with Jesus, not just their pastor! I know I probably sound like I'm bragging and pouring over The Pentecostals of Vacaville, and if that's what your thinking....YOU ARE RIGHT! So, thank you home church I love you! I felt that I needed to give honor where it is due. So, let me say thanks to a great assistant pastor Bro. Kory Chase, who does a tremendous job of leading the church in my absence. And to all the other lay ministers in our local assembly thank you!

I arrived on a Tuesday morning in Manila, PI. Pastor Midoz Sorima(my twin brother, lol) picks me up at the airport and we drive two and a half hours to Dasmarinas, Cavite. I checked into the hotel got a little nap and off to service we went. Folks, I preached this same camp last year and knew how passionate and hungry for God they can be. But nothing prepared me for the intensity and power of anticipation that was in that place. I have no words to convey the atmosphere! Remember that was just the first night, and just the tip of the iceberg! It was intense!

Now, I'm not going to go night by night, there is way to much to try and tell. So, I'll just tell you the end results and let you go to to catch a glimpse of what words cannot describe. There were many healings both notable and documented. Miracles that rage from healing to deliverance to(believe it or not) control of the elements! I'll get to that last one later. There were young people freed from demonic oppression and possession! Jesus was at work!

I will post part two of this later.

I am mainly on face book now you can follow there, or tweeter.
It really beats blogging, sorry ;-)

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