What a great time we had at Missions Conference in Santa Maria, CA. Bro. Markem and myself were the speakers for this meeting and we had a lot of fun. I had not known Bro. Markem before this conference. I had only heard about what a great man he is and the awesome things he has done on the mission field in Brazil, Spain and Portugal. Basically he built these from the ground up. What an amazing work he is doing for Jesus. Bro. Markem ministered the word to us on Friday night(he about preached everything God had given me for Saturday night), and I must say it was a timely word for us all. He preached on "Don't Be Afraid", I think everyone should listen to this message. I preached Saturday night, and then Bro. Markem preached on Sunday morning. And again he delivered a sure word about the "Qualities Of Gold", what a beautiful message! Then Sunday night I finished it up.
The purpose of Missions Conference is to get us focused on the "Great Commission" of reaching the world. Another goal of the meeting is to raise money to finance the propagation of the Gospel worldwide by sending missionaries, building churches, getting food to the poor, buying necessities for the churches both at home in America and overseas. I'm humbled to report to you that on Sunday night(just a little news flash- Santa Maria is one of the most giving est churches I've ever seen and God blesses them for it) the church in Santa Maria, CA Pastored by Elder Rick Keyes gave well over $125,000 for missions! Praise God! We also had a few people receive the Holy Ghost, and some backsliders were refilled!
My wife and I love to go to Santa Maria, it's like our other home. You won't find any better people than Bro. & Sis. Keyes, they are the BEST! We affectionately call them "Mom & Pop Keyes", and the reason for that is because for years now I've been very close to them, and after Andrea and I got married she felt the same way too. Bro. Keyes was was one of the two ministers(Bro. Price the second) who married us. Now, when we get to Santa Maria and walk in the door we let all cares pass away, let our hair down and just have a lot of fun! So, to be with Bro. Markem(who just fits right in the way we do) and the Keyes at the same time for one weekend under one roof, it was awesome!
Remember, give to missions both Home, and Foreign!
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