" The sting in any rebuke is TRUTH."
- Benjamin Franklin
I can almost hear it now "Oh no, here is another rookie blogger along with the millions of others who thinks that he or she is going to enlighten us all with the profound wisdom of the ages. So great the intellect that if all the world could just read this we would all stagger with amazement at this newly discovered genius with utterances so profound, that we should make him the leader of the free world!." If this is what your thinking well, that's who I am, the voice of wisdom you've all been seeking! LOL! I'm hardly that at all, really I'm just here writing and calling it as I see it. I must warn you, though I'll never intentionally seek too offend anyone, it may happen. Thus, the reason for this blog "The Sting Of Truth".
You must understand it isn't my particular views or beliefs that might sting, but rather the TRUTH of it will. I have come to understand that there is a great and profound paradox to TRUTH. For example, TRUTH in a courtroom will liberate one man while simultaneously incarcerating the other. Yes, depending on which side of TRUTH your on will totally determine your response to it.
If your on the right side of TRUTH, you'll love it, but on the wrong side of it and you'll hate it. Appreciate it or appalled by it, enlightened because of it or exposed by it, embrace it or reject it, be sheltered in it or shatter by it, TRUTH will cause a reaction in us all, for better or for worse. There is no grey area in TRUTH, it is black or white. TRUTH is not moved by feelings, nor does TRUTH change because of opinion. TRUTH does not seek to be popular, it just is what it is and will not apologize for that. TRUTH will not change for acceptance, but rather you must change to accept TRUTH. The wonderful thing about TRUTH is that it is not racist, partial, or bigoted it is the same to each and to everyone of us. TRUTH is absolute even though this generation is taught that there are no absolutes, and what's true for one may not be true for others. We must realize that what is true for one is TRUTH for all!
So, from now on when you read my entrees, read them through this prism, that I seek for truth in any situation. I'm looking for the absolute in every event. I hope you'll find the TRUTH in all the issues I may choose to write about, because I am. Remember what Jesus says in John 8:32 " And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you free"
Timothy J. Whiseant
I hope this has inspired you, if so let me know. I really enjoy the feedback.Pass these blogs on if you like them. Thanks and God Bless You All!
Nice blog! you inspired me! lol
Came across your blog today. Look forward to more inspiring posts (when you have the time). Keeping up with you however, through your wife's blog. Praying for Vacaville, and know that God has great things in store.
Hey bro. This is a very powerful message. You really inspired me. This is another message for the church. Thanks and God bless! Keep posting I really enjoyed reading deep thoughts.
I love it! Thanks
"We must realize that what is true for one is TRUTH for all!"
You might want to rethink this one. What is truth for one is not necessarily truth for all. That would be a logical fallacy (hasty generalization). There are two kinds of truth seen in the Bible; material or literal truth and poetic or spiritual truth. Not everyone can discern or agree on all spiritual truths because they are based in faith or belief.
This is an Outstanding Essay! Is it all your original? I want to post it in my Adages and Axioms list, and want to appropriately credit it.
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