"The Fire Still Falls!"
Sorry it has taken so long to finish this post, but you know the old saying "Better Late Than Never"! It was a tremendously powerful revival! We had services Sunday through Tuesday night. We advertised in the paper whit bold letters at the top that read
Because of that ad we had 18 1st time visitors in three services! Only two of the visitors came by another form of invitation. Let me stop right here and say that Bro. Hill did a superb job! He was totally lead of God in every service! He preached like a house of fire(which when doesn't he?LOL!), and our church fell in love with his ministry and his family. Namely a little princess named Cherish! I was willing to go on in revival, not just because the services was awesome, but that I wanted to spend more time with Cherish! If you read My wife's or Susan Hill's blog then you know that Cherish has her own "Palace" at Danda's and Uncle Tim's house! It was such a blessing to have the Hills here and cannot wait until they can come back! We would have loved too have them stay and preach the next week, and we tried every avenue possible but our schedules were to incompatible. We had at least two receive the Holy Ghost that we know of, there was healing and everything that goes with Apostolic revival and Apostolic ministry! It helped began a turning point in our church, thanks be to God!
To the Hill's we love you all and cherish our friendship, and thank you for all that you did. We anticipate your return!